Leonardo da Vinci’s dream: the flying machine

Book: Leonardo da Vinci’s dream: the flying machine

duration 1 hour and 30 minutes
language English
pricing 25 euros per person (exhibition ticket included)

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The exhibition organized by Leonardo3 opened only three months ago but it has already become a sensation: more than 90,000 visitors and rave reviews by Italian and foreign visitors.

The exhibition features ingenious inventions by Leonardo da Vinci: various prototypes of flying machines, robots to be used both in the battle field and on stage, all accompanied by large scale models and 3d interactive reproductions. All exhibits were built after an in-depth study carried out over 6,000 sheets of original notes and sketches by Leonardo.

To enjoy this hands-on exhibition, we have created a tour focusing on one of Leonardo’s greatest dreams: the flying machines. Various models are on display including also a world-premiere: the so called “flying machine of Milan” which Leonardo designed secretly in his workshop near the Duomo….

Video: the Flying Machine

Want to know more about the exhibition? Watch our interview with the curatorInterested? Simply click the button below to book online our guided tour!

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